Specialised Polar Training Zone
Thank you for choosing the Polar Training Zone Specialised Course.
This course would not have been possible without the contributions of Doctor in training and exercise physiologist Jake Kilby from the Griffith University Medical School and University of Queensland Anatomy Department. Professor Gregory Scalia from University of Queensland, School of Medicine and Lachlan Johnston, Performance Scientist - High Performance Team of the Queensland Academy of Sport.
The data presented or reproduced within this course has been sourced from Australian Institute of Sport, Queensland Academy of Sport, International Universities, acclaimed authors, researchers, medical practitioners and exercise scientists from around the world including here in Australia. .
New information, new research, concepts and programming to trial are always exciting.
As a health and fitness professional we are bound to work within our professional scope and boundaries of:-
- Registered Exercise Physiologists (EP)
- Registered Personal Trainers
- Gym Instructors
- Group Exercise
- Fitness Instructors or Group Exercise Leaders.
As a health and fitness professional, you must encourage and develop your local health, fitness and allied health community networks. To develop, collaborate and refer to relevant allied health professionals when working within or beyond our professional scope and uphold personal-centred care and best practice.
Please always adhere to your scope of practice relevant to your qualification, insurance, and registering governing body and consider the individual’s suitability to what you are going to do and seek further understanding before application.
When working with your client/athlete you must make every effort to screen your client and develop an understanding of your client through using resources such as the APSS. (Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System)
The Polar Training Zone Specialist Course is registered with Fitness Australia and Physical Activity Australia For professional development points.
This course is not exclusive to any registered body, profession or Sport.
Any person can register for this course once they have completed the "Basic" Heart Rate training course.
You do not need a Polar Heart Rate Monitor to complete this course. You do not need a Heart Rate Watch, or accelerometer to complete this course.
The Learning Outcomes of Specialised include:
Course Objectives
- Detailed knowledge of the Heart Anatomy
- Detailed Knowledge of Cardio Vascular System
- Detailed knowledge of Respiration System
- Detailed knowledge of muscle contraction
- Detailed knowledge of nervous system
- Exposure and explore maximal heart rate formulas
- Exposure and explore Percentage of Maximal heart rate
- Discuss monitoring exercise intensities
- Explore METS
- Exposure and explore the Australian Institute Sport ; Training Zones
- Compare the Polar Training Zones
- Explore RPE Scales
- Knowledge of Anaerobic & Aerobic Threshold
- Exposure and Explore Heart Rate Training TRANSFERABILITY
- Exposure and Explore Elite Training Methods
- HIIT (High Intensity Training v’s LIE (Low Intensity Training)
- Detailed knowledge of Hydration, sweat and Performance
- Explore Ergogenic Aids
- Exposure and Explore Body Composition Programming
- Exposure to Personal Training Hacks, Short cuts and resources.
- Exposure to data that explores Exercise and its effects on the immune system
Training is a process. research it, implement it, test and measure it, then do it.
Make every beat count.
Enjoy being ‘Specialised’!
On the Completion of the Specialised Course, you will receive a “Specialised” Polar Training Certificate as an immediately downloadable certificate.
On completion of the Basic, Advanced and Specialised Courses you will receive a certificate of Heart Rate Training SPECIALIST.
For successful completion of this Specialised course you must get 80% of the test questions correct.
There are 76 Quiz questions to be answered with majority being multiple choice and some anatomy labelling and table arrangement questions.
You will have only 2 attempts to get each question answered correctly. Therefore, please ensure all of the course material in each section is read thoroughly before commencing the test. If after the 3 rd attempt the answer is incorrect than the correct answer will be provided and highlighted.
Time to complete the course is dependent on variables like your prior knowledge, reading speed and internet connection speeds.
We must provide you with an estimated time it may take you to complete the course, but we know these time estimations are inaccurate for all sorts of reasons. So please do not stress, enjoy the content and various ways we have introduced the content into the course and if you wish take the time to investigate the additional readings we have provided links too.
The course is designed to read, understand and test. You will be asked to read each chapter, watch narrated video content within a chapter and once each chapter is completed you will be provided a quiz to demonstrate your understanding and progress through the course.
We estimate the Specialised Course will take approx 8 hours to complete.
If you logout at any time through the course, you can resume the course at any time by logging back in. You will be taken to the last completed page.
You have up to 12 months to complete the course including all online test questions and the feedback form. (Please note the feedback form must be completed to complete the course.)
Once you have successfully completed the course, your Specialised Certificate of Completion will be immediately available for download.
A special mention. If you have successfully completed the Basic, Advanced and Specialised course you will qualify as a Polar Training Zone – Heart Rate Training SPECIALIST. A Specialist certificate will be available for Download.
On completion of the course you will receive 6 CECs or 3 PDP towards your Australian national fitness registration.
If you have any questions or problems please email education@polartrainingzone.com.au.
For additional support, join our community on Facebook and Instagram.
Now that you are set.
Download the Full Course manual here: http://www.polartrainingzone.
TIP: Download the course material in SINGLE PAGES where you see the GREEN - PRINT PDF TAB to help answer test questions - Download.